Current blood tests are very inadequate and usually detect chronic disease five to ten years after it has already begun. Good examples are kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease and diabetes.

  • Kidneys can be diseased by 90 percent before tests ever indicate a problem.
  • Liver disease is often detected after the liver is 70 percent diseased.
  • Heart disease has often been developing 20 years before traditional tests reveal a problem.
  • Breast cancer is usually detected with a mammogram, which is eight to ten years before cancer begins to develop.
  • Diabetes tests include the AIC test, which often detects a problem five to ten years after it could have been detected.
  • Alzheimer’s cannot be detected, by conventional medicine, until there is a beginning of loss in cognitive function.
  • Parkinson’s Disease is only detected when a slight trembling occurs in one finger of one hand. By then about 80 percent of all dopamine receptors in the brain have died or been seriously damaged.

Disease usually happens in five distinct stages:

  1. Stressed cells happen when there is poor nutrition,high toxin levels, high stress levels and genetic or biochemical deficiencies.
  2. Weakened cells occur when cells have been stressed too long, and cells lose their energy level.
  3. Dysfunctional cells are the third stage of deterioration when cells begin to experienced functional challenges. This is when most traditional tests detect a problem, such as high blood pressure, high glucose or chest pain known as angina.
  4. Mutated cells occur when the nucleus of the cell becomes damaged and can no longer produce a healthy replacement cell.
  5. Diseased cells happen when the cell cannot function and begins to damage other neighboring cells.