Look around! People, everywhere, are speaking on their phones, texting, surfing the net or playing games. Fitbits or Apple watches have become indispensable motivation tools. Cell phone masts and towers menace our landscape. Banks of Smart meters are attached to office buildings and apartment complexes as well as on homes.

In fact, there is hardly a place you can go that is not WIFI connected! Restaurants, shops, schools, libraries, airports and, of course, our homes! The average home is now WIFI saturated with routers, WIFI computer networks, WIFI printers, SMART TVs, Apples’ Echo, and WIFI baby monitors. We also have Bluetooth in our cars and WIFI on airplanes.

We love the latest WIFI device or gadget. But there is growing concern that we are literally becoming WIFI addicted.1

Beware—The Internet of Things
And then there is the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of things is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity. Experts estimate that by 2020 the IoT will be rolled out to consist of about 30 billion objects.2

This is one more serious problem on the horizon. The global rollout of 5G (5th Generation Mobile Technology) to support the IoT with untested WIFI frequencies will also be complete by 2020.

This technology will require small cell towers in every neighborhood and on school grounds throughout the US and around the world. In fact, full-scale implementation will result in antennas every 10 to 12 feet in urban areas. That means you will soon be staring at a cell mast from your bedroom window! Before embracing the IoT enthusiastically, there are important questions that must be answered. Is this constant WIFI exposure safe? Are we altering vital biological processes? Most importantly, are the developing brains of children at risk?

WIFI and Its Impact on Health

Unfortunately, contrary to the efforts by Cellular Communications industry and the mainstream media to reassure us that all is well, evidence now points to the fact that our WIFI world poses some serious health concerns.

The body has never in its evolution experienced something so foreign to itself. It, therefore responds as if the incoming signal was an invader (like a toxin). The body then experiences all sorts of symptoms, which may be hard to identify.

A recent study sent shock-waves through the scientific community. In May 2016, the U.S. codes, of the National Institutes of Health, released the results of a $25 million nine-year study. The results found an increased occurrence of rare brain tumors (gliomas) and rare heart tumors from exposure to microwave radiation from cell phones.3

More than 230 scientists from 41 countries have expressed their “serious concerns” regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. They refer to the fact that “numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms adversely well below the levels that international and national guidelines deem safe.”

Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, DNA damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general wellbeing in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.

The World Health Organization Has Classified Emfs As Group 2 B Carcinogens—Possibly Cancerous

An additional alarm was raised by 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries. They recommended a moratorium on the rollout of the 5G for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. They are concerned that 5G will lead to a massive increase of mandatory exposure and chronic illnesses to wireless radiation.4

The health consequences impact us all. But the most vulnerable are our children, especially the unborn, infants, and young children.

WIFI connectivity is a fact of life in our 21st century world. Like it or not, we live in a world where WIFI frequencies penetrate all living beings. There is hardly any place we can go to escape exposure from WIFI frequencies.

No wonder there is a growing incidence of the physical disability called electromagnetic hypersensitivity from EMF exposure.

So, what must we do to survive and thrive in our WIFI world?

Solutions 101

It’s evident that we have a serious problem. In fact, EMFs are now considered to be the most dangerous and pervasive toxin, which magnifies the risk from all other toxic exposures.

There are some basic things we can do to do reduce exposure. They include the following:

  • Replace your wireless devices with wired versions.
  • Use your smart phone safely—Keep the phone on “Airplane” mode most of the time.
  • Use your laptop computer wisely:—Use a wired Ethernet connection for Internet (rather than WIFI).
  • Create a sleep sanctuary—your brain is most vulnerable to EMFs during sleep. Unplug everything in your bedroom at night.
  • Use a headset that is not wired (wires attract and amplify EMFs)—use an airtube headset, instead.
  • Do not put a laptop/iPad on your lap.
  • Reduce temptation to purchase more WIFI devices!

Patented Solutions For WIFI Protection

We are now literally surrounded and inter-penetrated by EMFs 24/7. There is no escape. Therefore, the ultimate protection requires a technology that will provide a personal field of protection.

As a Naturopathic Doctor, I have been alerted to the serious health risks from EMFs. For the past 15 years I have been investigating this subject as well as lecturing about the dangers.

My quest has also been to find the most effective and proven technologies that reduce physical harm from these toxic frequencies.

I have scrutinized many technologies. My search led me to one patented technology that has proven to be profoundly effective. The GIAPLEX technology by GIA Wellness is the technology that I personally use on all my devices as well as recommend to my family, friends and patients.

GIAPLEX incorporates two patented technologies that are embedded in their devices.

One of the patented technologies is called MRET (Molecular Resonant Effect Technology). Basically, the MRET superimposes a ‘noise field’ consisting of low frequencies of electromagnetic oscillations that resemble resonance frequencies of living cells in the body.

These oscillations compensate for and neutralize the harmful effects of EMFs generated by cell phones and electronic devices while simultaneously providing support for the body’s cellular functions. The MRET has been independently verified and proven to be effective.

The second technology that is called ERT (Energy Resonance Technology) is a proprietary technology owned by GIA Wellness. ERT works by strengthening the person’s biofield field, which is recognized by National Institute of Health (NIH) in 1994 to “involve electromagnetic bio-information for regulating homeodynamics.”5

Our biofield is essential to health. The biofield is described as the field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. It is made up of electromagnetic fields and energy structures that contain information for helping all the systems of the human body to communicate and work properly.

The GIAPLEX technology is embedded in a variety of protective devices. They are small discs that are attached to phones, computers and routers, etc. GIAPLEX is very small and can be put in your car as protection from Bluetooth as well as all the other EMF sources from the car’s electronics. It is interesting to note that metal attracts and amplifies EMFs, making our cars dangerous environments to be in without protection.

There is also the state of the art headset that is embedded with the GIAPLEX technology, which utilizes a state-of-the-art enhanced sound chamber that delivers a crystal clear sound through an air-filled wireless tube (similar to a doctor’s stethoscope). Again, a reminder that the metal in the headset wires amplifies the EMFs right into the brain.

ERT is embedded in pendants, which enhance and strengthen the biofield. Since stress, toxicity, and illness and, of course, EMFs, weaken the biofield, a pendant is a critical part for total EMF protection.

One Last Thought
I am not advocating giving up our WIFI devices. This is no longer even remotely possible or desirable at this time. What I am strongly encouraging is to use WIFI technology wisely and responsibly. Knowing that there are serious risks, use patented technology like GIAPLEX for greater protection from EMF exposure.

As that wise adage reminds us, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. EMF protection is no longer a luxury but rather a necessity. We will then be able to not just survive but thrive in our Wireless Age.


  1. Nordrum, Amy (18 August 2016). “Popular Internet of Things Forecast of 50 Billion Devices by 2020 Is Outdated.” IEEE.
  2. https://psychcentral.com/archives/walther_cad.pdf
  3. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123864543010356
  4. http://www.saferemr.com/2017/09/5G-moratorium12.html
  5. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Clinical Updates Women’s Health Care. Volume X, Number 4, October 2011. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. page 9.
